Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Resurgence of the Community Spirit in Europe

"Indeed, this seems to be happening in our time.  Although there is still so much violence, negative emotion, fear and greed, it is palpably obvious to anyone open to it that there is also what I would call a 'rising tide of love'.  Perhaps this will prove to be a major phenomenon in our time.  It does not enforce itself.  It simply flows and where it meets resistance and adverse emotion it seeps around.  When a human being has overcome negative emotion, greed and criticism and is able to offer the chalice of self ready to receive it, then this tide of love will fill it.  To those who are alert and awake, it is very clear that people are drawn into groupings of love and companionship.

The geographers and scientists can tell us of global warming, melting of the ice-caps, and the rising of the seas.  In such a time of dismay and foreboding, the rising tide of love can bring joy.  It draws people to try and work together in group endeavor.  Some groups are small-and indeed it is right to begin small and develop organically.  The most important example of a successful community in this country is Findhorn.  This also started from the smallest unit, but from the first was a demonstration of working not for self but for the Whole, to the Glory or God and under divine guidance.  It is a precarious way of living, but may be a clue for many in the coming period of change, when the economic structure of our society seems to be breaking down.  This implies that the energies that vitalized the old structure, based on self-interest, are being withdrawn and in their place are being released living energies that are inherently powerful for the harmonizing of all life.  If we can take this concept, it can throw light on the present symptoms of breakdown, which could fill us with dismay unless we can accept that dying is always a necessary prelude to renewal, making way for the flooding in of transforming forces which could bring to birth a new society.

It may serve a really important function if groups working to build community make links with each other, and come together every now and then to look at what they are doing in the light of the greater picture. For the spirit has no meaning if it is working in vacio and detached from life.  We have to transform society, each one of us starting from precisely the point we are now at.  Increasingly we see that the guidance and the wisdom we need are within us; less and less do we need to search outside.  Having free will, we must learn to use it not for ego and self but for the whole. This is the coming to maturity of mankind.  There never was such a generation to be alive."

"The Resurgence of the Community Spirit in Europe or The Rising Tide of Love" by Sir George Trevelyan

1 comment:

  1. this is so unreal (in that it's inspiration beyond inspiration) and so real (in that it's true beyond true). i am so thrilled for you to come back here, monica, there never has been such a time as now to be living in america and doing all the good you can and will do. i am eager to see all the people you'll touch (not in the physical way) and all the changes you produce. i hope you are as excited as i am for you. i look up to you so much, sister.
    love you always and forever
