Monday, July 25, 2011

one year, compost, seeds, and cait's visit, mostly pictures

Doing some compost awareness with the vendors at the vegetable market

our beautiful compost bin at the market, the compost is used for the hospital garden
the effort to make soil is making A LOT of progress. its my favorite project
making shirts with the Labasa crew
Greta does aerobics classes 3 times a week. One day the newspaper came and did a story on her. Here's a picture from the article with all the aerobics women.
distributing vegetable seeds to a nurse in our Sub-Division

Lavena, Taveuni  I finally found time to take photos and write!

the view from Lavena Lodge a super cute and cheap backpackers place in a village

Cait and I took a walk to the waterfall

pretty Fiji. I wish I lived closer to a place like this

we saw the most beautiful full moons

hiking to another waterfall
then going swimming,

i wish their faces showed, all the little kids

cait and i
so beautiful

lavena, taveuni

cait taking a walk on the beach

hope you enjoyed the photos!
if you want to skype or chat anytime let me know, i would love to talk. my skype name is monica.drazba and my email is
i miss you all!