Finally some photos of the gardens we've established!
So far I've helped establish 37 organic gardens on our island. The count is a range of hospital, health center, nursing station and home gardens of people and communities that I work with. Its so exciting.
We've been going around monitoring for the past few months and still have more areas to check, so maybe by the end of the year our total count will be higher.
Here's a sample of gardens...
on a slope |
look at all those delicious vegetables |
My partner in the home garden project for the Labasa Health Center Nurses, sister pulotu, |
Everyone has been really enthusiastic about starting a garden at their workplace or home. A lot of people say how much it has helped their family save money and eat a fresh supply of vegetables. I love hearing that.
Multiple Health Centers have said how the produce is used to feed patients who come in on a weekend or late at night and can't get transport to the hospital. Before this project, the nurses would feed patients with their own food supply.
It doesn't matter to me if people plant many crops or just what they need. I just hope they plant and enjoy it. Backyard gardening is getting very popular in towns here (most everyone has a farm, but it can be up to an hour away) and I am so happy to be a part of the beginning of this change.
I recently heard I probably wont be getting replaced at my site in Fiji, so I hope the enthusiasm continues without a push from someone and free seeds. The hardest part will be trying to make this all sustainable on a local level.
AND!!!!! The Labasa Hospital Garden is finally planting and they finished the structure. Its been a very long process, but looks amazing and is running smoothly. Here are the pictures....
Doesn't it look great! Remember when it used to look like this!
I love working with food gardens. My hope is to do this in some way for the rest of my life. Whether its supplying organic foods for restaurants, starting gardens in schools, helping create community food gardens or even working with youth centers or hospitals. It doesn't matter where, I just want to have it in my life. I want to be passionate about my work and I am very passionate about this (secretly I hope everyone rips up their front lawn to plant vegetables)
Recently I've been doing a lot of thinking about my life after Fiji. I have 9 months left, can you believe it? Some thoughts are getting my permaculture certificate, traveling, teaching or just simply working on farms. I don't really know where I'm leaning yet, but its time to start letting it all marinate.
I hope everyone is doing well! Its hard to believe that this year is winding down already, it passed so quickly. Next blog i'll try to upload some of my pantings and home projects.
Enjoy the fall colors!